Skydeo, segments, people-based marketing
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Skydeo, segments, people-based marketing
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Skydeo, segments, people-based marketing

Improve your campaigns with high-performing segments.

Get 30k+ segments more likely to convert.
Skydeo, segments, people-based marketing
Skydeo, segments, people-based marketing

6000+ growth teams use Skydeo
segments to fuel their campaigns

Skydeo, segments, people-based marketing

Experience the future of segments with SAM.

Explore over 30,000 custom audiences and discover how Skydeo Audience Manager (SAM) can elevate your campaigns to new heights.
Try SAM Now

We decoded audiences from 320M+ people

So you can quickly and predictably pinpoint segments more likely to convert
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We use 1.4 trillion
data points

To predict affinity, motivation, and purchase intent in 30,000+ segments
Try Skydeo
Skydeo, segments, people-based marketing

Why people love it

We are data-driven marketers who assembled the tech and data we always wanted ourselves.
Skydeo, segments, people-based marketing


Get 30K+ segments from unique data or create your own.
Skydeo, segments, people-based marketing


Get segments delivered in
hours, not weeks
Skydeo, segments, people-based marketing


Ensure full GDPR and CCPA compliance.
Try Skydeo

What our users think

Skydeo, segments, people-based marketingSkydeo, segments, people-based marketing
Vivian Smith

Lisa Rose

Director of Paid Social, Finance
I'm constantly impressed by Skydeo's ability to help me reach the right people at the right time. It's a tool that every advertiser should have in their arsenal.
Harold Jenkins

Harold Jenkins

Director of Adversiting, Auto
Skydeo's audience segmentation technology is a lifesaver. I can now target my campaigns with laser-sharp precision, leading to improved results.

Get Started Today

Supercharge your campaigns with targeted segments
Skydeo, segments, people-based marketingSkydeo, segments, people-based marketingSkydeo, segments, people-based marketingSkydeo, segments, people-based marketing