Who is using Bitcoin? Skydeo Insights by Apps, Age, Gender & Net Worth

Who is using bitcoin?   Who is investing in ICOs  (initial coin offerings)?

Skydeo recently posted an analysis that showed heavy usage of bitcoin apps by people who owned Teslas.  Those results and Twitter conversations including RunKeeper founder Jason Jacobs , Luma Partner’s Terry Kawaja and Media Ocean’s Bill Wise sparked our interest so we conducted research into bitcoin users and people who might also be investing in ICOs.   While we were preparing the analysis, coin offerings heated up to the point where China banned ICOs  because they have  “seriously disrupted the economic and financial order.”

By the numbers:

Skydeo surveyed over 100,000 bitcoin users from our panel of 607 million mobile devices.

  • 86% of bitcoin users are Male.
  • 65% of bitcoin users are between ages 18-34.
  • Just 9% of bitcoin users are over age 45
  • Only 9% meet the the $1M Net Worth requirement for accredited investors.  If ICOs are securities then 91% of bitcoin users would not qualify by that standard.  They might meet income requirements however.
  • If you use bitcoin you are 67% to 200% more likely to have a net worth over $1 million.
  • Bitcoin users are 25% to 50% more likely to drive an Audi, Infinity, Lexus, Mercedes or BMW than people who don’t use bitcoin.
Launching an ICO?

Targeting mobile users by bitcoin or investment app ownership, auto ownership and household income will likely yield better results for ICO marketers than current marketing efforts, especially if the ICO is considered a security.   Skydeo provides mobile data for brands, agencies and investment research.

Is Skydeo considering an initial coin offering?

We can’t comment yet but there it would be a natural fit to tie mobile data to cryptocurrency.


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