Skydeo Secrets: Get to Know Your Customers Better

Skydeo Secrets: Get to Know Your Customers Better

Do you work for a CPG company or sell organic food or any kind of grocery store product? Typically we know more about your customers than you do. And here’s why.

Skydeo ShoppingGraph sources purchase history data from grocery stores, credit card companies, coupon shopping– all kinds of different apps where people are doing transactional purchases. This data is important because past purchase history is a leading indicator of future purchase history. ShoppingGraph is a great way to target audiences at scale, including competitive audiences. If you’re Dollar Shave Club, it makes sense for you to target Gillette shaver buyers and acquire their customers as much as you can with your product. 

By combining ShoppingGraph data with our Skydeo PlacesGraph data, which tells you where and which stores your customers shop in, you’ll have a very powerful way to learn more about your customers through insights, as well as the ability to do direct targeting in your next marketing campaign. 

For more information, visit or check out a quick walkthrough of how ShoppingGraph works here

Interested in using Skydeo ShoppingGraph for your next campaign? Contact us through our site or email to get started.

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