Mobile Identity Guide for Marketers – IAB

The IAB has released the Mobile Identity Guide for Marketers.  Skydeo specializes in anonymous mobile device data which when used in combination with People-Based Marketing and anonymized CRM marketing can create high value audiences for targeting, insights, and measurement.  Identity is a major concern for marketers trying to leverage offline or desktop data mapped to a mobile device.   Skydeo believes the solution is mobile first data.  To learn more, contact us.

“A day in the life of the typical US consumer is increasingly complicated in terms of how media and advertising are consumed. Indeed, according to Forrester, the average US adult juggles more than four connected devices. Three-quarters use a smartphone and more than half use a tablet. As the connected devices we use proliferate, we’re also consuming more digital media, with a growing expectation for seamless
ad and content experiences between our smartphones, tablets, laptop and desktop computers, connected TVs and the various web and app experiences we traverse. At the same time, given the limited effectiveness of cookies on mobile–the challenge for marketers and publishers to effectively reach consumers with the right message at the right time–regardless of their device
they’re using–is growing as well.

In addition to the use of first party data, advertisers are increasingly relying on user-level device identity as a foundation of their marketing activities to effectively connect with and manage relationships with multi-screen consumers. Having a consistent consumer identity for marketing activities across a consumer’s multiple mobile devices is intrinsically more difficult than having one on desktop devices. Indeed, as a “fairly mature” 23 year old, desktop advertising has benefitted from having the cookie as its primary identifier to
support measurement and interest-based ad delivery. By contrast, mobile brings with it two distinct environments (app and mobile web), a completely different set of consumer behaviors and hundreds of  thousands of different device / OS / screen size combinations. In addition, desktop measurement and tracking solutions (like cookies) don’t work across the board in mobile. Perhaps for all these reasons,
cross-channel audience identification and cross-channel measurement were cited as two of the three most important focus areas by digital marketers and media practitioners in a recent IAB / Winterberry study.”


• Frequency capping – limiting impressions delivered to users across their mobile and other devices

• Targeted advertising – serving ads specifically to people based on their behavior

• Re-targeting – serving ads specifically to people who have already visited a website or app, or are a contact within a database

• Audience extension – leveraging technology that allows publishers (and their marketing clients) to identify and reach audiences beyond the publisher’s owned and operated properties

• Dynamic content personalization – dynamically changing content and messaging based on criteria such as user behavior, demographic information and interests to create a more personalized, relevant experience

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