Skydeo, segments, people-based marketing
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Skydeo, segments, people-based marketing
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Skydeo Graphs 


Find consumers by mobile app use.Learn More

Why use AppGraph™


Target people by mobile app usage on Facebook, Google and programmatic targeting on major platforms.

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Competitive Conquest

Target Competitors ‘ Customers based on app usage information.

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Skydeo AppGraph™ Insights provide rich, behavioral brand intelligence based on app usage.

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Skydeo AppGraph™

There are over 5 million apps in the app stores. For every human activity, interest, hobby, idea, task – there is an app for that. Skydeo AppGraph™ is the largest programmatic consumer survey ever conducted. We ask consumers “What apps do you use?” The results are an astounding collection of behavioral interest, intent and life stage information in which to create high value audiences in a privacy compliant way.

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Skydeo, segments, people-based marketingSkydeo, segments, people-based marketingSkydeo, segments, people-based marketingSkydeo, segments, people-based marketing